Yay, made it through one more with my head still attatched. Go me go! I can't say I'm sorry to see the holiday's go though. I remember a time when I used to get excited about this time of year. Family, food, gifts, a lot of togetherness. Not this year though. A brief greeting among sisters was as close to "family time" as I got. As for all of this snow... I am so very much over it. I haven't had time to play in it therefore it must go. I am excited that school is back in session though. ITT plays by its own rules. While other area colleges and highschools are closing down they're over here sayin "Nope, sorry guys, you know the deal. You get here one way or the other. Hitch up your dogs if you must, class is gonna go." Yay for excellerated educations! For reals though, I am glad they're not shutting us down. Too much down time will delay me wanting to get back into the grove and it will be that much harder when the time does come. I need to keep the steam rolling, don't let the fire die! Oh, and for those who were curious, I didn't get to rub the grades in my dads face, I'm not even sure my mom heard what I had to say about it over the kids screaming, people talking over eachother and the TV being on. I forgot what it was like to have all of us together. For the last three weeks I've been at home alone with the dogs most of the time, if I'm not working or shoveling. It's a very lonely exsistance. Lance has been working for the street department of the city, making a lot of over time and out of grade pay for plowing the streets, which brings up another gripe. How ungreatful can people get? I mean, good grief! Lance comes home with stories of people flipping him off as he plows their roads, one guy pulled a gun on a grater operator, and people throw snowballs at them as they drive by as well. You guys complain that you can't get down your streets, but when they do finally get to your neighborhood you get angry at them for plowing you in. Do forgive, good citizens, let us all bow and kiss your feet, and while we're at it, we'll take all that snow in front and on top of your house for you and just, I dunno.... put it in your living room? Get over yourselves people, and count your blessings. Things could be SO much worse for you than having to dig your driveway out one more time.
Any way... I could possibly be in a bit of a bitter mood. I'm sorry. I do hope everyone had great holidays though. That's about all the cheer I can spread at the moment. Much love my people.
1 comment:
I do wish you would have accepted our invitation to come hang out some days. We did miss seeing you there. I hope the snow goes away so you have more time with lance. love ya sis
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